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Copyright (c) 2012-2024, CodeFarts
All rights reserved.

Provides a portable class library written in C# that is designed to read the XML documentation files that visual studio generates during build. It also provides classes for generating html based on templates.

Current Features

  • Read in xml documentation files with one line of code and use Linq to pick out the data.
  • This library is being used to power the Codefarts API Documentation pages.
  • Fully commented & organized C# source code.
  • 95+% of source code conforms to default StyleCop settings.

Table of Contents

Downloads [ Top ]

There are currently no downloads but the source code is available for forking

Version Notes [ Top ]

Items starting with "Completed" are items that have been fully implemented as they were intended
Items starting with "Partial" are items that have only been partially implemented.


  • Initial Release.